3. Polymorphic slots

Date: 2021/09/29


Cameron Dutro




Components can currently define slots in two ways:

  1. by specifying a component class (or class name string)
  2. by providing a proc that either returns HTML or a component instance.

With these options in mind, imagine a scenario in which a component supports rendering one of two possible sub-components in a slot. In other words, the user of the component may only fill the slot with one of two (or more) possible kinds of sub-component.

To illustrate, let’s consider a list component with an items slot. Each constituent Item has either an icon or an avatar on the right-hand side followed by some text.

When implementing the Item component, we’ve several options for determining whether we should render an icon or an avatar:

  1. Two slots w/error: define two different slots for the icon and avatar, and raise an error in the before_render lifecycle method if both are defined.
  2. Two slots w/default: define two different slots for the icon and avatar, but favor one or the other if both are provided.
  3. Examine kwargs: define a single slot and determine which sub-component to render by examining the contents of **kwargs.
  4. Unrestricted content: define a single slot that renders any content provided by the caller. The component has to “trust” that the caller will pass in only an icon or avatar.

While these options are reasonably acceptable, there are problems with each:

  1. Two slots w/error: using before_render for slot validation feels like an anti-pattern. To make the interface clear, defining both slots shouldn’t be possible.
  2. Two slots w/default: same issues as #1, but worse because it “swallows” the error. This behavior probably won’t be obvious to the component’s users.
  3. Examine kwargs: this approach is brittle because the kwargs accepted by constituent components can change over time, which may require changes to the Item component as well.
  4. Unrestricted content: not ideal because the content can literally be anything and relies on the caller following the “rules.”

It’s my opinion that we need the ability to choose between multiple types within a single slot.


We will introduce a third type of slot called a polymorphic slot. The renders_one and renders_many methods will accept a mapping of the various acceptable sub-components. Each of these sub-components will themselves be slot definitions, meaning they can be defined as either a class/string or proc.

Here’s how the Item sub-component of the list example above would be implemented using polymorphic slots:

class Item < ViewComponent::Base
  renders_one :leading_visual, types: {
    icon: IconComponent, avatar: AvatarComponent

The Item component can then be used like this:

<%= render List.new do |component| %>
  <% component.with_item do |item| %>
    <% item.leading_visual_avatar(src: "assets/user/1234.png") %>
  <% end %>
  <% component.with_item do |item| %>
    <% item.leading_visual_icon(icon: :gear) %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

Notice that the type of leading visual, either :icon or :avatar, is appended to the slot name, leading_visual, and corresponds to the items in the types hash passed to renders_one.

Finally, the polymorphic slot behavior will be implemented as a module so the behavior is opt-in until we’re confident that it’s a good addition to ViewComponent.


Things we tried and things we’ve learned.

Additional Complexity

The biggest consequence of this design is that it makes the slots API more complicated, something the view_component maintainers have been hesitant to do given the confusion we routinely see around slots.

Content Wrapping

One concern of the proposed approach is that it offers no immediately obvious way to wrap the contents of a slot. Here’s an example of how a slot might be wrapped:

renders_many :items do |*args, **kwargs|
  content_tag :td, class: kwargs[:table_row_classes] do
    Row.new(*args, **kwargs)

In such cases, there are several viable workarounds:

  1. Add the wrapping HTML to the template.
  2. Provide a lambda for each polymorphic type that adds the wrapping HTML. There is the potential for code duplication here, which could be mitigated by calling a class or helper method.
  3. Manually implement a polymorphic slot using a positional type argument and case statement, as shown in the example below. This effectively replicates the behavior described in this proposal.
renders_many :items do |type, *args, **kwargs|
  content_tag :td, class: kwargs[:table_row_classes] do
    case type
    when :foo
      RowFoo.new(*args, **kwargs)
    when :bar
      RowBar.new(*args, **kwargs)

Positional Type Argument vs Method Names

There has been some discussion around whether polymorphic slots should accept a positional type argument or instead define methods that correspond to each slot type as described in this ADR. We’ve decided to implement the method approach for several reasons:

  1. Positional arguments aren’t used anywhere else in the framework.
  2. There is a preference amongst team members that the slot setter accept the exact same arguments as the slot itself, since doing so reduces the conceptual overhead of the slots API.

An argument was made that multiple setters for the same slot appear to be two different slots, but wasn’t considered enough of a drawback to go the type argument route.